About Quinten Hackwood

How I work


I work from a Relational-Cultural Therapy perspective that’s explicitly embedded in social justice values. Inside and outside of session I am dedicated to anti-oppression, a practice of self-awareness and responsiveness, and cultivating a positive relationship with the land and the people around me.

The work of psychotherapy for me comes down to supporting you to find a way of showing up that feels authentic and true to your values and desires. How do you want to show up for yourself? How do you want to show up in your relationships? How can we care for, grieve, and/or change what’s getting in the way of that? 

In session, we might explore what your authenticity looks like, either as an individual or created as a couple. We can look at what’s going on internally, how that relates to the past and how that’s showing up externally now in your relationship/s–but always with an eye on how the outside world is contributing to your set of strengths and challenges. We can work together to explore these impacts on you and how you respond to your life. 

As a disabled, neurodivergent, queer and trans person who has experienced many beginnings, endings, and life transitions, I understand what it can mean to feel out of place or unmoored, and I also know the joy that can come from forming enriching relationships where people are growing together. My desire to do this work is a direct extension of these relationships, and my previous experience lies in peer support and community education (specifically around consent, BDSM, and romantic relationships) that all work from the idea of fostering positive connections with productive conflict.  

Sometimes we get stuck in patterns that keep us from using our creativity to do something enriching. Changing what we co-create with the people in our lives takes bravery and a willingness to soften.  

I sincerely welcome people of all a/sexualities, a/genders, relationship styles, and family compositions to reach out for a meeting. 


Areas of interest:

• relationships (couples and non-monogamous partnerships, queerplatonic and asexual partnerships, as well as family and friends)

• sex and physical intimacy (including kink, BDSM, platonic, asexual)

• identity (such as gender, sexuality, parenthood, and neurodivergent and neuroqueer identities)


Some quotes I like:

“Resilience is not an internal trait that people carry around with them. Participating in another person’s growth is crucial to one’s well-being. We are beings who seek mutuality and gain meaning from being a part of and contributing to something larger.” Judith V. Jordan. (2018). *Relational-Cultural Therapy* (2nd ed., pp. 70)

“Without feelings insignificant decisions become excruciating attempts to compare endless arrays of inconsequential things. It’s just easier to handle those with emotions.” Leckie, A. (2013). *Ancillary Justice* (pp. 88) 

“Silent and lifeless, people sit side by side as if their souls were wandering about far away. But these souls are not wandering according to their own preference; they are badgered by the news hounds, and soon no one can tell anymore who is the hunter and who is the hunted.” Kracauer, S. (1995, original 1924). Boredom. In Levin T. Y. (Ed.) *The Mass Ornament: Weimar Essays* pp. 333 

Areas of Interest

• relationships (couples and non-monogamous partnerships, queerplatonic and asexual partnerships, as well as family and friends)

• sex and/or physical intimacy (including kink, BDSM, platonic, asexual)

• identity (such as gender, sexuality, parenthood, and neurodivergent and neuroqueer identities)

• life changes and transitions (birth, death, relocation, gender)

More about me

My previous experience lies in peer mental health support and community education. My kink workshops focussed primarily on communication for safety and joy in BDSM, as well as how to communicate needs and negotiate boundaries within a relationship (romantic or otherwise). I have also worked in support and solidarity for addiction and mental health service users, and I bring knowledge and humility from these experiences.

I also have an arts background, collaborating on productions of small-scale small budget films, as well as other collaborative arts.

Perhaps not surprising, I spend most of my down time playing tabletop RPGs and video games, or watching reality tv


Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario 10635


Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, Yorkville University

BFA Film Production, York University


My social media presence on Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok are largely inactive at the moment. Please note I no longer have an account on the (now rebranded) bird site, so any ‘@mightyfeels’ there is not mine